Čeština pro pokročilé (Intermediate Czech)

Čeština pro pokročilé (Intermediate Czech)

Kabat Grazyna, Roubalová Eva, Heim Michael.
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Washington: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1995. — 265 pages.Чешский язык для студентов второго курса. Язык курса: Английский.Цель учебника – дать студентам более глубокие знания по грамматике чешского языка, увеличить их словарный запас, позволить им совершенствовать навыки перевода, устной и письменной речи на материале оригинальных текстов.The textbook in intermediate Czech is designed for second-year students of the language and those who already have a basic knowledge of Czech grammar and vocabulary. It is appropriate for use in a traditional college language classroom, the business community, or a government language school. It can be covered in a year-long conventional university course or a 10-week intensive course. Lessons are based on authentic reading passages from Czech daily newspapers and magazines, and introduce students to contemporary culture. After each passage, a set of 20 communicative activities and grammar exercises are presented. Topics of the 14 lessons are: traveling; cooking; education; Prague; the Czech anthem; health; life in the city; writer Karel Polaček; work; business; traveler and collector Vojtech Náprstek; history; holidays; and humor.
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