All My Cats

All My Cats

Bohumil Hrabal
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A literary master's story about the aggravations and great joys of cats, from "a most sophisticated novelist, with a gusting humor and a hushed tenderness of detail" (Julian Barnes)

In the autumn of 1965, flush with the unexpected success of his first published books, the Czech author Bohumil Hrabal bought a cottage in Kersko, about an hour's drive east of Prague. From then until his death in 1997, he divided his time between Prague and Kersko, where he wrote and tended to a community of feral cats. Over the years, his relationship to cats grew deeper and more complex, becoming a measure of the pressures, both private and public, that impinged on his life as a writer.
Despite the tender love he feels for the cats, especially his favorites who share his bed, there are moments of intense violence—as he controls the feline population explosion explosively.
All My Cats, written in 1983 after a serious car accident, is best seen as a...
New Directions
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
EPUB, 2.32 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
czech, 2019
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